Tower@Night [flickr]

Tower (*Klixx*)

Aufgenommen vom Marktplatz in Jena.

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9 Responses to “Tower@Night [flickr]”

  1. Chris sagt:

    I have enjoyed your photos of Jena very much. Is this photo taken from the Marktplatz? I am also wondering if you have any other photos of Grietgasse?

  2. JaBBa sagt:

    Yes, this one is taken from the Marktplatz, right in Front of the Müller Drogerie. Regarding the Grietgasse: Have you checked my flickr collection ? Are you looking for a special perspective ?
    I can offer e.g.:
    (all also hosted at my flickr account)

  3. Joerg sagt:

    Are you Chris from Baton Rouge?

  4. Chris sagt:

    Thanks Jabba~ I have seen the photos.

    Joerg,not from Baton Rouge.

  5. Joerg sagt:

    ok, I know a Chris from Baton Rouge who studied in Jena.

  6. mac_7 sagt:

    Joerg, are you in Jena currently? I have visited Jena on a few occasions, but did not study there.

    Jabba, I would be very intrested in a photo somewhere close to Grietgasse 6, if you have the opportunity. If so,would it also be possible to have a high resolution image emailed to me?


  7. JaBBa sagt:

    Sure, i’ll see what i can do.

  8. Joerg sagt:

    Hi Mac, I am not in Jena anymore. Right now i live in Saarbruecken.

  9. JaBBa sagt:

    If this matches what you requested, please tell me and i will send it to you in high resolution.

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